Let it out

Friday, April 4, 2014
5:55am Phil 
Had to pull off the road this morning. All of a sudden found myself sobbing uncontrollably. I’m a mess but I will be ok. Geez! Have a fabulous day girl!
[photo of him in a dress shirt ]
6:37am Phil 
I have to find someone to talk to. Always helps, must be why therapists make so much. Some times you just need to let it all out and when it’s all bottled up, it’s hard
8:28am Phil 
Hope your day is good kiddo! Happy Friday!  Crab cakes!
  [photo of crab cakes frying in a pan]

Opening day at Fenway Park!  Woot!

11:02am Phil 
You mad at me? I do something wrong?
11:05am Sassy
Sorry!  Just woke up.
Not @ work today
11:07am Phil 
Just woke up? Lord I can’t sleep like that. 
Glad you are enjoying a day off
11:10am Sassy 
Have a first meet at 2 pm, then project meeting @ 7 pm

11:11am Phil 

Ahh, well good luck on both counts!
11:13am Sassy 
I’m worrying about you, wishing I could do more
11:21am Phil 
Got a minute?

I’ll give you a call

11:21am Sassy 
Headed into shower

Will let you know when I’m dressed

11:22am Phil 
Ok no worries, you got stuff to do.
11:47am Sassy
Dressed, can listen now?
[He called and told me stories for about half an hour.]
5:45pm Phil
Relax, have fun
[photo of him in a dress shirt on the street]
5:45pm Phil
2 hr crap trip home

Meet ok?

Have a great project work nite!

5:50pm Sassy 
Meet was fun!  I was a total hussy – made out in the parking lot leaning on his car!

5:50pm Phil 

9:41pm Sassy 
First project night done!  Great crowd!
10:12pm Phil 

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