Nether lips

February 1, 2017 Wednesday 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Wed Feb 1, 2017 at 7:40 AM
Subject: hump day
Sorry this is delayed but we have a two hour weather delay and I thought I would take the time to be asleep!
It’s Wednesday…… Hump Day!  I now have a hump partner to share hump day with!!
Have a great day!  Today is the end of my craziness!  Then I am free!
Hope your boss is snowed in and you have a fantastic day!!
Hugs and Kisses on you nether lips!
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Wed, Feb 1, 2017 12:49:54 PM 
Subject: Re: hump day 
Good morning to you.  Hump partner…WOW!  What a fun phrase!  Makes me feel silly and special.  Yay!
How lovely you got to sleep in.  Wish you could crawl under my covers right now… Spoon, touch, peacefully warm me up and then set me on fire!  
Nether lips?  Mmmm….you know how to send my mind to sexy places and my body follows.  So wonderful!  I want to kiss your lips and then your navel.  And then lower…mmm
Have a fantastic Wednesday!  Mwah!  
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Wed Feb 1, 2017 at 5:50 PM
Re: hump day
My extra work is done!
I’m drinking a great scotch to celebrate!
Write later
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy 
To: TimmyTim
Date: Thu, Feb 2, 2017 12:07 AM 
Subject: Re: hump day 
Hiya!  Hooray!  Congratulations!  That must be a relief.  
Which scotch?  What does liquor do to you?  Do you quieter or louder?  Do you smoke cigars too?  Somehow scotch and cigars go together with many men.  
Do you ever google yourself?  I googled you today.  That was fun.  
I had an intense day… worked on 8 different projects from interviewing a student intern candidate to processing invoices, and survived a meeting with my boss.  Whee!  
It’s been a quiet evening.  I ordered too much Chinese food.  And the ordered groceries to be delivered tomorrow.  And then watched another episode of “Victoria” from PBS.  It was fun watching her ask Prince Albert to marry her.  
Now it’s time for bed.  I wish I had you to cuddle with first… ah well…I have great memories!  I will remember your mouth DRIVING ME CRAZY!  🙂  
I’m thinking of staying home tomorrow.  There is nothing I know of that has to happen at the office.  I can do what I need to here, get more done probably and get a break.  Hubby has an appointment mid-morning so I may get to play openly! 
Sleep well dear man.  Smile and imagine me watching over you.  Mwah!


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February 1, 2017 Wednesday

7:50AM Sassy
Good morning kid! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

7:58 AM Phil
Good morning! Hope your day is grand!

8:19 AM Sassy
[photo of the view out my balcony window of the snow on the ground]
Just a dusting!

Memories of Friday

January 31, 2017 Tuesday 

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy 
Datet: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:59 AM
Subject: Good Morning Sassy!
Good morning sleepy head! How was your sleep last night? Any dreams worth remembering?
Today is Tuesday! Monday is down and out, Monday sucked! So Tuesday will be awesome, you got all the bad behind you and nothing but smooth sailing ahead of you!
Have a bubbly day filled with rainbows and unicorns! (Yes unicorns is a sexual reference.)
Naked wet hugs with gentle kisses!
Take care,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
January 31, 2017 Tuesday

From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Tues Jan 31, 2017 at 8:25 AM
Re: Good Morning Sassy!
Good morning to you sexy!  Hope your Tuesday is off to a terrific start!  What time does training begin today?  
I slept really well.  Thank you for asking.  It makes me stop and think and realize it was quite lovely.  Dreams involved a fireplace and a bunch of pillows and a nice man… none of which I’ve experienced in that combination!  
Do you ever get this feeling in your hand like you need to hold something?  Like your hand is empty and needs to close around something and squeeze?  I  have that feeling inside… this emptiness.  It’s not all bad, it’s a kind of… anticipation of being filled, of connecting… holding, squeezing.  Mmm…. 
Please caress John Henry for me.  An image of your beautiful erect cock is stuck in my mind.  Makes me tingle! Mwah!  
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Tues Jan 31, 2017 at 7:05 PM
Subject:  Snowy stillness
Good evening hot stuff!  How’s your night going?  Hope you had a reasonable day and don’t have to be out in the snow.  We’ve only gotten a dusting so far.  
My day was better than yesterday!  And I skipped my weekly meeting with my boss to come home early to avoid snow.  I get so much more done here!  
I’m planning a play session tonight… hope I can sneak away from Hubby and disappear into memories of Friday!  
Keep misbehaving!  Mwah!  
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Tues Jan 31, 2017 at 8:20 PM
RE: Snowy stillness
Right now I am swamped! New training modules are due tomorrow! Otherwise the sessions were great today!
Love your plan to play with the back of me! I really want to make you orgasm with my tongue! Maybe after this week’s stuff is over, we can plan our next meeting! That is what keeps me going!
Hope your commute tomorrow is safe and sound! Starting Thursday I will be able to be more chatty!
Til then, memories of Friday keep me going!
Hugs and gentle kisses on your breasts!
Take care and be safe!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy 
Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 10:37 PM
Subject: Good night
Good night! Sleep tight! Sweet dreams!
I’ll be dreaming of making beautiful love to you!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Tues Jan 31, 2017 at 11:17 PM
Re: Good night
Good night dear man!  
Mwah mwah mwah… if I was with you, I would tuck you in.  🙂 

Worse, worser and worstest

January 31, 2017 Tuesday
9:13 PM Sassy
Hope you had a good Tuesday!

I’m reading up on the Golden Globes fashion – article says “Best and Worst Dressed” but wow… more like worst, worsted and worstest! I can’t recall a red carpet with so many strange looks and no necklaces!

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Winnie and Eeyore

January 30, 2017 Monday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 6:10 AM
Subject: It’s Monday
It’s Monday! I know you hate Mondays, but think how much better this Monday is from last because we have met! and without Monday, we would never have Friday! So pick your head up, go to work and this could even be a better week!
John Henry and I did not need tumblr, just memories of our Friday! What tumblr sites did you visit? Can’t wait til we meet again!
Hugs, naked with kisses!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 8:17 AM
Re: It’s Monday
Good morning hot stuff!
You are so cheerful! Thanks for sending it my way! 
I found an anecdote – put in a couple of hours work last night so I’m ahead of the curve.  We’ll see if it matters.  
My tumblr journey started with skincast then moved over to sheersgreat for inspiration.  It mostly came from you, though.
Into the fray!  Onward and upward!  Have a marvelous Monday sweet one.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 6:53 PM 
Re: It’s Monday
Hiya T!  
How was your Monday?  Hope it was better than mine.  Boss pounced on me at 9:05 am wanting three more things, when I already had no idea how I’d get done what I needed to do.  No lunch today!  But I got through it, smiling whenever I had a break, thinking of the twinkle in your eye and your hands and your mouth and John Henry!  So so good! I want to do all that again, and also do other things.  How will we choose?!  I don’t expect to have that long every time.  
I’ve ordered Thai food delivered for dinner.  I adore their shrimp tempura!   
I may have to sign you up for the “A.Word.Day” emails.  They’re doing Yiddish words this week, and one of my favorites – verklempt – showed up today!  
Hugs without hitting a ticklish spot! 
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Monday, January 30, 2017 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: It’s Monday
Had a tough day too! My department head is a tool (can women be tools? Don’t know about the nature of women since Trump’s election), and she stormed out of a meeting so they want me to patch that up with the client. Talk about a rock and a hard place (no, not that type of hard!). I think I smoothed that over, but now I have a pile of other work.  So I may be a little quieter until  Thursday when I’ll be back to my wordy, poetry filled emails! I just feel swamped now! We need a night to chat!
Had Chinese food tonight! That stuff is the best. But I’m now hungry again!
I have been thinking of Friday a lot, with smiles and an erection! You said session two will be even better, don’t know how that could be since you are awesome!😜
So tomorrow should be that much easier if today was that sucky! (Is sucky even a real word?) did you tell your classics friend say anything about me? Don’t know why I care except that she knows Latin! Silly I guess! 
Can’t wait to go down on you again! You are more tasty than a large helping of General Gao! I got some good ideas for the second meeting. What plans would you have? (And don’t leave out any details)
Hope you can write one more time before you go to bed! Especially if you have a racy story! Or pictures!
Hugs with a lot of breast play!
Take care,

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 9:20 PM
Re: It’s Monday
Hiya Tim! 
So sorry to hear your day had its strange woman boss thing too!  How bizarre… hope tomorrow is better for both of us! 
I told my friend that I try not to expect much so I don’t get disappointed, but you seem like a keeper!  I haven’t said that before.  
I have very little brain this evening… feel like Winnie the Pooh for sure.  I am not up to spinning a big sexy story.  Maybe tomorrow!  I definitely want there to be one.  I definitely want to explore your back side next time… from your shoulders to the back of your knees!  
I scrolled through my photos looking for something to send.  Here’s the face photo I would’ve sent if you’d asked for one.  Hope it would not have sent you running screaming!  It was taken in 2012. My hair was still growing out but otherwise I think I look the same. 
Sweet sexy dreams!  
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM
Re: It’s Monday
You might be Winnie, but I got some Eeyore goin’ on here! That picture would not have me running away, only to!
Have a good night sleep, think we could both use a good night. Remember that today was only one day, but tomorrows are limitless. So we will have a great day tomorrow!
Keep smiling and the sun will come up and out for us! It’s going to be a great day, otherwise the win!
Sleep sound,
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Snow there

January 30, 2017 Monday
8:07 AM Sassy 
Good morning Philip!
9:08 AM Phil
Good morning. Hope your day is grand!
9:08 AM Sassy
Thanks!  So odd to see snow there when we don’t have any.
11:27 AM Phil
Yeah, how bout that!

More than a booty call

January 29, 2017 Sunday

From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sun Jan 29, 2017 at 9:20 AM
RE: Saturday night
Wow! Did you have a productive day! Washington post! You are really amazing inside and outside the bedroom! 
I had a bittersweet day. My friend was so happy we went down there for them. They are Italian, so the repast after the funeral was awesome. Great food, wine and conversation that was so life affirming. 
I had a big smile and an erection the whole way down. So you are officially John Henry approved. All I dream about is the next day we meet!
I have a ton of odds n’ ends to finish up today for work. I’ll write again later when I get some time. I think I’m addicted to you!
Hugs with oral sex!
Take care 
Tim or The Trainer or John Henry 
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTIm
Date: Sun Jan 29, 2017 at 11:28 AM
Re: Sunday songs
Good morning!  So wonderful to see your message and know that Friday was special for you.
I’m off to brunch but couldn’t leave without saying you rock!  And John Henry is yummy.   
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: TimmyTim
To: Sassy
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2017 2:57 PM
Subject: RE: Sunday songs
Hope you enjoy brunch! We went to Krispy Kreme and had a totally decadent brunch this morning! They are so good, but give you that sugar crash if you eat too many!
Can we promise going forward (I assume you do want to) that our relationship will be more than a “booty call”? I really enjoy talking to you, deep conversations and licking you from head to toe! You are a complete package and I don’t want to lose sight of that! Your name could also be Classy! But I like Sassy and do not want you to think that I do not respect you!
Have you had to use your Gigi 2 since Friday? I have some great memories until we meet again.
Hugs with orgasms!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sun Jan 29, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Re: Sunday songs
Good evening hot stuff!  Hope you had a productive day.  
Oh my… I adore Krispie Kreme!  I’m so sad we can’t get them here.  I first tasted them in NC years ago, hot off the machine… You are a lucky man!  I had a delicious brunch at the S&S Deli.  I went all out – ordered the Eggs Oscar – poached eggs on crispy potato pancakes with crab meat, asparagus and Hollandaise!  Washed it down with a non-alcoholic bloody Mary and OJ! and a side of bacon!  
Thank you for being you, and for wanting me, and for stating it.  Let me be clear in return. I want you.  Going forward, sideways, upside down… mmm… and I want to communicate – deep, silly, sexy, big things, little things, sharing as we can with no one else.  I hope to give you incredible pleasure and great memories when we are together, and be a source of smiles and support and sexiness in between.  
A certain toy did come out of the drawer as I started my post-prandial snooze this afternoon!  I thought I was too tired but I opened up the tumblr and went from here to there and another place and pressed the Gigi 2 against my clit at high speed, then closed my eyes and imagined you asking me to do that and taking a photo and BOOM!  🙂 🙂 
Hugs staring into your eyes! 

Bucket list item crossed off

January 29, 2017 Sunday

12:45 PM Sassy
Brunch!  Eggs Oscar with crab meat and asparagus on potato pancakes and Hollandaise, with fresh fruit cup and an English muffin and a side of bacon at S&S Deli in Cambridge

8:14 PM Phil
Hope you had a great day!
8:14 PM Sassy
8:18 PM Phil
Hey cutie
8:19 PM Sassy
Did your chili win?
8:20 PM Phil
Nah but had a great time
8:20 PM Sassy
Buy any new wine?
8:21 PM Phil
Found a great place. Not much though
Watching the pro bowl
8:22 PM Sassy
What are the teams called this year?
8:22 PM Phil
AFC and NFC, back to the old way
8:23 PM Sassy
Phew.  Anyone from your team there?
8:23 PM Phil
1 but no Patriots 😛
8:24 PM Sassy
Good game?
8:25 PM Phil
No score yet
Great goal line stand just now
8:29 PM Sassy
You inside?
8:29 PM Phil
Yeah, puppy and I in the basement
[photo of his feet and a football game on a large TV screen]
8:38 PM Sassy
Mmm… toes.
8:40 PM Phil
Ha! Be necked before I know it
8:44 PM Sassy
What else do you have on?
8:46 PM Phil
[photo looking down his body showing a sweatshirt and sweatpants and one blue sock, with a large bulge showing through his sweatpants]
8:54 PM Sassy
[photo of my chest covered in a mauve nightshirt with little flowers on it]

8:55 PM Phil
[photo looking down his body with his cock and balls out of his sweatpants]
8:55 PM Sassy
Oh my…
8:56 PM Phil
I’m sorry. So inappropriate
8:57 PM Sassy
8:57 PM Phil
8:58 PM Sassy
You make my insides tingle!
You know you never have to be sorry with me.  
9:04 PM Phil
Just thought those fabulous tits should have something between them
9:05 PM Sassy
That would be fun!
[photo of my chest from above with cum all over the left breast and in my cleavage, with a man’s legs and feet in the upper corner]

I finally crossed this off my bucket list.
9:08 PM Phil
Damn babe, that’s hot as hell!
9:08 PM Sassy
Wish it had been you..
9:09 PM Phil
me too, I would have licked it off
9:09 PM Sassy
Mmm… no one has done that yet.
He handed me his towel.
9:13 PM Phil
That’s not the way to do it. 
I’d spread it over both tits and nipples and them lick and suck them clean as my fingers roamed south. No towels
9:13 PM Sassy
Mmmm… that sounds like a wonderful idea!
9:14 PM Phil
Stopping to kiss you so we could share
9:14 PM Sassy
Oh!  Yes…
9:15 PM Phil
Taste my cum on my tongue
Taste our cum on my tongue
Even better
I definitely liked tasting my cum on your tongue
9:23 PM Sassy
That was wicked sexy
Ultimate sharing!
9:26 PM Phil
I’m not shy about my cum.  If I expect you to take it your mouth, I should have issue tasting it either. Us mixed together, even better
Glad you thought it was hot too
9:30 PM Sassy
We are so good together.
9:34 PM Phil
Makes a difference when there are genuine feelings and emotions. Also two very uninhibited people really into each other. I wanted it to be intense, hot, render, romantic all at once
9:36 PM Sassy
I marvel at how well we did… with all the possibilities for problems
9:42 PM Phil
Problems?  Wanted you since high school, we don’t look like we did back then but it’s still us. I remember kissing you then, remember holding your ass in my hands remember tasting the powder on your nipple, remember the first kiss, first taste of your tongue, tasting you loving you. No problems
9:43 PM Sassy
You have been such a fantastic addition to my life!
I’d better stop or both your heads will be swollen.  
9:46 PM Phil
Ha!  The little one has been swollen. 😛

I am very happy to have you in my life as well! You have been my sounding board, confidant, lover, friend. Thank you. And you have helped me to many happy endings which I also appreciate
9:50 PM Sassy
9:51 PM Phil
You didn’t know about the happy endings?
9:51 PM Sassy
I know.  It makes me so happy to hear it!
9:52 PM Phil
9:53 PM Sassy
You inspire me a lot too.
9:54 PM Phil
I’m glad, so sexy, so hot
9:54 PM Sassy
You found the Sassy Girl in me and set her free to wander around the sexy universe.
Find things to send to a man far away… learn things to try on him!
9:55 PM Phil
Love see your toys, listen, watch.
Mmmmm, it was brief but remember your hand on my cock at the airport, your nipple in mouth, my fingers inside you and then licking them clean
10:00 PM Sassy
I was thinking of that today while I played.  There’s been a lot of coverage about people at Logan today… always reminds me of you
We were so bad
10:03 PM Phil
Rubbing your ass, grinding my cock against you, my hands on your tits and that was in the terminal! Loved it!
[photo of his naked lower body with his erect cock]
Speaking of bad
10:05 PM Sassy
That’s the best sight I’ve seen today!
I could lean over and
10:06 PM Phil
Wish you were getting a closer view
10:08 PM Sassy
Me too…
10:13 PM Phil
Would love to ease my cock inside you slowly moving as you hit your clit with a toy. Building up speed, hard and fast, then slow and easy building and backing off until be both explode, your cum coating my cock and balls, mine shooting deep inside you.
10:23 PM Phil
Loved cumming inside you, so hot, sweet, tight, wet pussy
10:24 PM Sassy

Saturday smiling

January 28, 2017 Saturday 
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Date: Sat Jan 28, 2017 at 11:25 PM
Subject: Saturday night
Hiya!  Thought of you all day… smiling.  Hope you had an easy trip.  Was it a good day to travel? 
I had a quiet morning, then took Hubby to a meeting.  I came home for awhile then went back to pick him up.  It went well! 
A friend appeared from CT – she is crashing on our couch and taking us out to brunch tomorrow.  
I managed to do a good thing today.  A former minister at the church I used to go to is now in the DC area.  Her church put together a group of folks to sponsor Syrian refugees with the Lutherans, Muslims, Catholics and Jews.  They had a townhouse furnished, jobs set up, schools ready to accept children… and heard Wednesday that they were getting a family Feb. 8.  Then everything changed yesterday with Trump’s stupid Muslim ban.  She was furious! 
I know someone at the Washington Post, so I connected them and there’s an article about her now!  Felt so good to be able to DO SOMETHING! And the ACLU got a stay on the Muslim ban, so maybe the people will be able to get here!  Please think good thoughts for them.  
Sleep well.  Mwah! 

Hot little wench

January 28, 2017 Saturday
1:15 PM Sassy
Hope you’re having a super Saturday!  I had a wonderful lunch at Olive Garden with my gal pal.  Love their sausages!

4:15 PM Phil

Hey there you hot little wench! Hope your Saturday is fabulous!