
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Good morning kid!  Off to work and another dr appt to joust with blood sugars!  Whee! Have a super Tuesday!
Great doc visit – numbers good and down five pounds!  Beautiful day to be out.  I was able to walk both ways!  First time in 6 months!  Whee!
3:35pm Phil
Always a good thing. I whipped up a broccoli salad for dinner and tortellini with spinach, fresh tomatoes and cream cheese with grapefruit margaritas. Salad is settling in the fridge, tortellini is in the crockpot. And the shaker and salt are ready. House should smell wonderful in a few hours!
6:03 pm
Colorful shrimp at Shanghai Village – a “two dishes in one” special with Kan Sho shrimp on one side (the spicy tomatoey one) and a milder white sauce with veggies on the other!

7:09pm Phil
[photo of him outside]
Hiya hunk!
10:57pm Phil

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