From: Sassy
To: Archie
Sent: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 12:19 AM
Hi Archie!
Sorry to be delayed responding… yahoo mail has been acting weird all evening! Argh!
I hope you had a good Monday.
Yeah DazzleDent’s tumblr is fascinating. He has amazing taste, and his commentary is insightful and funny and deep.
I am looking at Friday afternoon… maybe 1 or 1:30 pm? I plan to take a day off work. How about meeting at Panera in the big shopping center in Everett, close to where Rte 99 and 16 cross. Are you familiar with that area? It has a SuperTarget, Texas Road House, TGIFriday’s. The Panera is next to Chuck E Cheese on the far left corner. Lots of free parking, seating… does that work for you?
Here’s the address to plug into GPS or Google maps etc.
27 Mystic View Road, Everett, MA 02149
Here’s a quick link to directions:
I could go for their amazing iced green tea and a hug from a nice man!
From: Archie
To: Sassy
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 8:38 AM
Hi Sassy,
Friday should work. I’ll get back to you to confirm, I’m familiar with that area. I used to meet a client down there.
From: Sassy
To: Archie
Sent: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:00 PM
Hooray! I am going to see your smiling face! I hope that time works, but if not we can make a new plan. I am taking the day off, have a doctors appointment at noon. I will head over right to Panera after that. I know the first meeting can be tough on the nerves – if there is anything you want to ask that would make it easier, go ahead.
Hope you’re having a great day!
From: Archie
To: Sassy
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 9:52 AM
Hi Sassy,
I haven’t emailed because my wife has been around a lot more in the past couple of days. Friday is fine. I know where the mall is. I’ll get there at 1PM. I’ll wait in Panera Bread for you.
From: Sassy
To: Archie
Sent: Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:28 PM
HI Archie.
Isn’t that always the way that the wife is around more when you want to email? It’s fine… I know you have a real life that makes it tricky.
Please don’t worry if I’m not there at 1 pm… I am guessing it will be between 1:15-1:30 pm before I can get there. I will be there! I’ve asked my husband to get his stuff out of my mini-van, so if we end up wanting a more private space to talk, we can do that. If not, no worries.
I am very excited about Friday. You are giving me something very special to think about to get me through this week!