Dear Readers,
So wonderful you are here today! Thanks for stopping by! It’s time for a little break from the Philip and Sassy and her adventures on Ashley Madison, since Philip didn’t write much today, and none of my AM men wrote to me today and I didn’t write to any of them! So I am going to answer a question that a special blog fan asked.
Q: Do you know a way to make it easier to go to the dentist? I want to keep my mouth clean and healthy but I hate going to the dentist. I get so anxious before and during and wonder if you can help.
A. Oh, Dear Reader! I hear you! I do have seven tips that help me and are worth a try.
What helped me the most was having cancer. After surgery, chemo and radiation treatments over the course of nine months in 2011, I am only mildly phased by dental visits. However, I CAN NOT recommend this solution!
Here’s what I recommend to make it easier for you.
1) Make appointments early in the day so you don’t fret too much waiting to go there.
3) Brush and floss seriously for 3 days ahead of time. Of course, you are probably already brushing and flossing like a pro – right? But take extra time so your mouth looks amazing and you can answer truthfully when they ask if you are flossing.
4) Don’t eat anything solid before going – have a nice Carnation Instant Breakfast or a Greek yogurt drink or your usual morning drink so you have something in your stomach but not too much and nothing in your teeth!
5) Put something on your lips – Chapstick or Neosporin – so they don’t crack when stretched
6) Take pain meds an hour beforehand so they have time to kick in and dull any pain from them poking or scraping.
7) MOST IMPORTANT! In the chair, fantasize about a nice person checking out your newly clean mouth! Think of their lips and tongue and maybe even a few fingers or more! Men may have to be a little careful about “raising a tent” but distract yourself as much as you can with SEXY THOUGHTS!