Wednesday, December 18, 2013
4:41 PM The Lawyer: Where’s Sassy?
4:41 PM Sassy: just about to leave work. Hiya handsome!
4:42 PM The Lawyer: How are you????
4:42 PM Sassy: I’m great!
4:43 PM Sassy: You?
4:43 PM The Lawyer: Ok!! Missing you!
4:44 PM Sassy: Awww… I think of you often!
4:44 PM The Lawyer: How was your christmas party?
4:45 PM Sassy: Nice!
4:45 PM The Lawyer: We need to do more than think!!!
4:45 PM Sassy: It’s low key… just decorate a room with snow flakes… bring in some finger food and invite everyone we work with during the year
4:46 PM Sassy: Yes please.
4:46 PM Sassy: When I leave the office tomorrow, I don’t have to go back until Jan 2.
4:46 PM Sassy: 13 days. You want to claim one?
4:47 PM The Lawyer: At least part!!!! When are you taking them?
4:48 PM Sassy: I am completely off work except the morning of Dec. 24
4:48 PM Sassy: You can’t have Christmas. Or NYE after 10 PM
4:48 PM Sassy: You can have any other time! You going away? Working?
4:49 PM The Lawyer: Wow!!!
4:50 PM The Lawyer: I’ll be away most of the time 25th to 1st– but time before?
4:50 PM Sassy: Yes. Friday? Weekend? Monday?
4:51 PM Sassy: I want you
4:52 PM The Lawyer: Fri and weekend are tough — Monday? Tomorrow?
4:52 PM The Lawyer: I want you too
4:53 PM Sassy: Monday?
4:54 PM The Lawyer: Ok !
4:54 PM Sassy: What time?
4:54 PM The Lawyer: When’s good?
4:55 PM Sassy: whenever… I’m open
4:55 PM The Lawyer: Noonish?
4:55 PM The Lawyer: I intend to take advantage of that!!! Lol
4:55 PM Sassy: Sure.
4:56 PM Sassy: You want to do the hotel thing again? Rates are low
4:56 PM The Lawyer: Sounds good to me!
4:56 PM Sassy: May not be able to check in that early…
4:56 PM The Lawyer: Sounds good__ your preference!
4:57 PM The Lawyer: That could be a problem— true
4:57 PM Sassy: Will you have a few hours?
4:57 PM The Lawyer: Expect to– plan on wearing me out??? Lol
4:58 PM Sassy: Was thinking I can try to check in
4:58 PM Sassy: If that doesn’t work, we could do lunch?
4:59 PM The Lawyer: Sounds good– i will have to go back to office at some point
4:59 PM Sassy: There’s The 99 right there, or Regina’s, Sushi place, etc at Wellington
4:59 PM Sassy: Would it work better to say 3 PM ?
5:00 PM The Lawyer: Whichever should work
5:00 PM Sassy: Can’t bank on early check in
5:01 PM The Lawyer: Possible– will need to check if that’ll work
5:05 PM The Lawyer: Can’t tell right now
5:05 PM Sassy: Sure. There’s time
5:06 PM Sassy: I wish it could be tomorrow…
5:06 PM Sassy: but it’s my last day here… then have plans in the evening
5:06 PM The Lawyer: Ok—kid is coming in that day
5:06 PM Sassy: aha
5:07 PM The Lawyer: So do i– understand!
5:07 PM Sassy: What about early morning?
5:07 PM The Lawyer: Always a possibility– how would that work?
5:07 PM Sassy: I could check in on Sunday… then we could use the room in the morning
5:08 PM Sassy: until check-out time
5:08 PM The Lawyer: Aah!!! Like it
5:09 PM Sassy: Should I make a reservation?
5:10 PM The Lawyer: Yes!!!
5:11 PM The Lawyer: Ok with you???
5:11 PM Sassy: Okay. So I’ll go check in Sunday… you appear EARLY Monday morning!
5:11 PM Sassy: I will hug you
5:11 PM The Lawyer: And I will hug you!
5:11 PM Sassy: Yay! A plan!
5:12 PM Sassy: I might want you to kiss me too…
5:12 PM The Lawyer: I will. And much much more
5:12 PM Sassy: : )
5:12 PM Sassy: Yay!
5:12 PM Sassy: Okay… gotta run! Monday… think Monday!
5:12 PM Sassy: And BOOBS!
5:12 PM The Lawyer: Sounds soooo goood!
5:13 PM Sassy: Mwah!
5:13 PM The Lawyer: Mmmmmn awesome!!! I can’t wait!
From: Sassy
To: The Lawyer
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 7:11 PM
Subject: Monday
Dear Tom,
I made the arrangements we discussed. It comes to $105 ($94 + tax). Whee!
If we need to cancel, please tell me before 6 pm Sunday.
Let me know what time to be there Monday. I’m thinking 8:30 or 9 am?
We’ll have to end by 12 noon. Might be able to stretch to 1 pm.
Any questions?
From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Dec 19, 2013 10:49 AM
To: Sassy
Sent: Dec 19, 2013 10:49 AM
Re: Monday
mmmn… questions? lol
what do you have in mind for me? what might you be wishing from me?? lol
what do you have in mind for me? what might you be wishing from me?? lol
I’ll be able to be there hopefully as early as 8 or so… and I will have to be gone by 11– my guess. I can’t wait!!