
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
from:  Sassy 
to:  Landshark
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:07 AM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Sooooo awesome to talk to you again tonight!  You say the best things and make such sexy sounds!  
Thanks for the birthday wishes!  This year has been as good as last year was bad.  Thank goodness.  
I don’t like flying… but I do it to get where I want to go.  I get a little motion sick, and claustrophobic, but that would be true of anywhere they say “Sit in the chair and stay there.”  I can’t sleep but I take a book and headphones, sit in an aisle seat and try not to pay attention to where I am!  Hubby won’t fly ever, so I haven’t flown much lately.  The only time I’ve flown in the past 10 years was to see Philip in D.C.  Before that I flew at least 3-4 times a year for figure skating events and family stuff.  
Enjoy looking at my parts.  It was very tough to post them, but I like making men smile.  
I hope you have a grand time out on the town Thursday night!  I always like to hear about what you eat.  I will probably be home chatting.  
Tomorrow is a busy day at work… we have weekly staff meetings Wednesday noon that somehow take over my day between prepping the agenda, taking notes and typing up minutes.  I will be home alone in the evening while Hubby entertains a friend here from out at town.  
You are the most amazing mixture of comfort and excitement I’ve ever known.  I look forward to learning more about you… 
Sweet sexy dreams!  
from:  Landshark
to:    Sassy 
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 8:29 AM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Today is a crazy day here too.  I had been hoping to get up early to get to the gym for a class – but I opted not to set my alarm 🙂
My routine in the morning is to head over to Starbucks and go through all my e-mails and get my to do list ready, then meetings/conf calls.  I used to fly/travel a lot more – though it does still come in waves.  I don’t miss the weekly travel – but I would find it hard to give it up completely for a ‘real’ job.
Comfort and excitement?  That is an interesting description – what do you mean by that?  This is a fun process – learning more and more about someone – their likes, dislikes – the things that make them go mmmmmm …
Thanks you for pointing out how to find your naughty photos … when I get back home I will make sure to study each and every one of them!
Good luck making it through your busy day… keep smiling and thinking about the fun we’re having…
from:  Sassy 
to:  Landshark 
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:57 AM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Hiya Evan!  Wow… you sound much more awake and business-y this morning!  
So you’re a Starbucks man, eh?  You know Starbucks is considered the #1 meet-up spot for online dating couples?  So look around sometimes and see if you can see first meets in progress.  ðŸ™‚ 
I am not a coffee or tea drinker but have been known to partake of the iced chai tea latte while others are caffeinating.  And a dream bar.  And a chocolate pop.  Hubby often gets up and heads to a coffee house to work on his projects.  He adores background noise.  Not my scene.  I like quiet.  Thank you for sharing about your day. I adore being able to “context” a man, know where he is and in general, what’s going on. 
I am surprised there is still so much business travel in these days of email and Skype and so forth.  I don’t understand the need to be “in the room.”  But I have been an internet creature for years. 
Tell me where you were on 9/11?  I keep thinking I know all there is to know about that day, but a friend who works at Akamai posted a CNN article about their founder, Danny Lewin who was on Flight 11 that fateful day.  Turns out he was likely the first person to die, as a steward texted the airline that the man in 9B had been stabbed and they were in trouble.  I had no idea that had happened.  He was MIT, had been in the Israeli army and understood Arabic, and was Jewish, so all that may have combined to make him know before the others what was going on and try to stop it.  I keep thinking if I could get just a few more facts, what happened on that day would make sense.  But I know it never will.  
I was working downtown at a law firm, with an office overlooking the harbor and the airport.  I got in to work late due to having a broken foot and having to take a cab.  The receptionist blathered at me about a plane crash in NY as I hobbled past. She was always nattering at me about nonsense when I was rushing to get to work, so I didn’t really listen.  
I sat down at my desk and Hubby called and without preamble said, “You have to come home right now.”  I explained that I had just arrived and asked what was going on.  He told me that the world was coming to an end and he needed me.  He has a hyberbolic streak so I am used to dramatic declarations of crisis.  I tried to calm him while I got on my computer.  I couldn’t get to CNN.  or Yahoo news.  or the Boston Globe webs site.  Hunh.  So I went to Reuters.  And saw the awful news.
At that moment, my boss popped in and said, “Do you know what’s going on? I can’t get the web to behave.” I looked at her and said, “About what?”  She said she’d heard that NYC had been bombed.  This was a woman who NEVER spoke about anything other than work.  She looked over my shoulder as I read Reuters and got the scoop about the planes in NYC.  My husband called back, crying, saying the North tower had fallen killing thousands.  I told him I’d call back.  
The BIG BOSS stopped in, again, a man who never talked about non-work stuff, asking if we knew what was going on and what we should do.  At that moment, the reports of the Pentagon crash popped up.  They both went running to see the head of the firm.  It seemed very scary to be in tall building in Boston.  
At 11 am they closed the firm at the request of the mayor and sent everyone home.  A firm that NEVER closes.  I went downstairs to get a cab home.  Usually they’re lined up but there was no one.  Finally a cab pulled up and a woman got out and I jumped in.  The driver tried to tell me he was done for the day, heading home to hug his children.  I told him my foot was broken and I needed him to get me home and I’d give him $20 for a $7 fare.  We rolled along, wondering what was going to happen.  He was from Lebanon and afraid people would think he was a bad person.  
I got home in record time, and sat watching TV and trying to help our friends in NYC find each other,  as the phones weren’t working.  About 6:30 pm our minister called to say turn it off… come to church… we’re opening the doors for anyone who wants to hug and pray.  There were over 100 of us, members and strangers, lighting candles, sharing stories, praying and singing.  I’m not a spiritual person, but it was a very helpful place to be that night.  Hubby never wanted to see anything about 9/11 ever again.  I wanted to read and watch everything, and try to help friend, and understand it.  
In 2009 I saw a play about 9/11.  This guy brought a cake of the crumpling tower to work and was wishing his colleagues “Happy Tower Day.”  They were horrified but he explained that it was time to celebrate!  We’d survived!  It’s never happened again!  We can honor the dead by living life to the fullest!  It helped me stop mourning and start living.  I know it’s still too soon to say “Happy Tower Day” to people… but inside me, I have moved on. 
Have a great day! Off to staff meeting.  More later!  
from:  Sassy
to:    Landshark
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 3:58 PM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Hiya Evan!  Wow… I got really serious this morning.  Hope that wasn’t too weird!  I have to be silly to make up for it now!  
I am wearing black and white spotted panties and white bra!  
Hope your meetings and calls are going well!  I survived another staff meeting.  Woot!  
What I want now is to get in my car and find you.  Smile at you.  Hug you.  Grab your ass and hold on while I breathe in your essence.  Nibble on your ear and whisper lewd suggestions.  Listen to your lewd suggestions.  Then go somewhere to carry them out!  Oh, and chocolate.  
Comfort and excitement?  Certain people I feel comfortable with – a mental connection, easy to talk to, safe, fun, friendly.  Others excite me… appeal to me physically, sexually.  Make me feel sexy. They aren’t comfortable but dangerous.  I gauge whether the physical satisfaction they offer is worth it.  You are both – a rare thing.  Does that make more sense?  
I’m off to help a colleague move a bookcase tonight.  I am the “gal with the big car” so I get tapped for these favors. Then I will be home chatting and thinking of a man on the other side of the city. 
from: Landshark
to: Sassy
date: Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:11 PM
subject: Re: Steamy PG
hey –
it’s been a crazy day.  on my last call of the day – will go until about 6pm.
9/11 is a tough day for me – on a lot of levels.  I am a native NY’er – so the twin towers were a ubiquitous part of my world growing up.  I also worked with clients in the Towers.  And, I knew people that lost their lives that day.
Personally, I was on a plane – heading to NY for a meeting. So – when the news broke – my family and friends heard ‘flight from Boston’ – and the panic set in – I had no idea until I landed (they turned us around mid-flight) how big a deal it was.  When we talk – I can tell you more.
I’ve got to get back to this call … but I like your visualization.  Maybe someday …
from:  Sassy
to:    Landshark
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 8:30 PM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Hiya Evan,  
Thank you for telling me about your 9/11.  On a plane… yikes.  Each person’s story is part of the tapestry of that day for me… knowing it connects me to you in a deeper way.  The way you wrote about it tells me you are thoughtful person in ways I had not glimpsed before.  I am intrigued. I am remembering the bravery, the good deeds… the best of the human spirit that shined through on and after that day.  
It’s quiet here… I had a elegant dinner at my desk of Le Quarter Pounder a la cheese, pomme frites et poullet nuggets avec sauce le barbecue!  Hee.  Our cleaner is coming tomorrow… I should be picking up but all I want to do is chat and be distracted… I’m going to go stare at your torso and toes some more and think of things to do to them that will make you smile.  
from: Landshark
to:   Sassy
date: Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:02 PM
subject: Re: Steamy PG
My dinner consisted of some left-overs.  Not enough to satisfy my hunger – but I am wiped.  Not like that fancy french fast food you had 🙂
I remember 9/11/01 like it was yesterday.  I don’t dwell on it – but it hit me hard and still brings out an emotional response when I see videos or talk about it in any depth.
I do enjoy your creativity.  
Am going to crash – the gym beckons tomorrow.  I didn’t get a good run in today to work out my stress – so I’m cranky (just ask my kids…)
Talk to you tomorrow.
from:  Sassy
to:    Landshark
date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:36 PM
subject:  Re: Steamy PG
Sleep well Evan!  

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