Dear Readers,
Horny. What a word! I don’t mean like an animal with horns, but sexually aroused. Do you feel it? Think it? Type it? Say it? A little? A lot?
Did you know Google has a word search function that will show you the use of a word over time in books? Check out the history of “horny.” It’s never been very common, but reached an all-time low in the 90’s, but is on the upswing!
I never used to think it or write it… still don’t say it out loud very often. It sounds a little… I dunno… harsh. Crude? Too intimate. Not lady-like. Ha!
But lately, several men have asked me, often as an opening salvo on IM or text or email:
Q. Are you horny?
This is a shocking question… especially when it’s that direct. But I’ve learned it is a compliment, indicating they are interested in me. It’s a form of “asking for permission to talk sexy” sort of thing. They are gauging my mood before diving in. Quite polite, actually.
Thing is… I am going to say yes. I didn’t think about sex for years until Philip came along and resurrected me as a sexual being, so I seem to be making up for lost time. It feels odd to admit it. Not what I was raised to say. But damn it… I am! Can I get an “AMEN?!” Hallelujah!
And, apparently, my answer is shocking, too. Men tell me that their ladies have to be “in the mood” and are often not. And don’t want to admit it even when they are. They can be cajoled or coaxed or begged to do sexy things, but they are not horny very often. And some never are. Whereas, the man is almost always raring to go. And willing to go, even if they aren’t feeling it at the moment – they’ll get with it soon enough. I wish Hubby was that way! Or that way with me.
So I hear this a lot… “You think like a man.” Thanks, I guess. They marvel at it. Imagine a woman who is thinking about sex most of the time, willing to talk about it much of the time and willing to do it! They are astonished! They tread very carefully, not believing that I won’t slap them at any moment.
I do need some intro, some “getting to know you” time, some politeness… definitely not a “Hey wanna?” “Sure!” Unless you’re a super-sexy blogger like Advizor54. Ha ha.
Are you horny? You can tell me…
Amen! I experienced a reawakening a few years ago and understand your feelings of making up for lost time. Enjoyed your “what I did” story ~