Thursday, February 6, 2014
Still feeling tired and tummy is iffy so I stayed home. Hope you have a terrific Thursday!
I found a way into the NBC online streaming of the Olympics, which they have set up to give access only to those who subscribe to their cable sport channel! Arrrgh! I whined on Facebook and a friend from CA gave me her login! Ha! So I watched the team figure skating live. The Americans were so sub-par… falling and doing programs without enough technical content. Bleh.
12:05 am
After a nap and a shower, I felt much better so I drove to the beach to see the guy in NH again! That state does a great job of cleaning up the roads after a storm.
We had a lovely evening together. He is so sweet to me – fed me dinner, was into gentle touching and conversation…. just what I needed.
I left him about 11 pm and got home feeling really good!