Princess turns 2

May 1, 2017 Monday

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share a new photograph of Princess Charlotte to mark her second birthday tomorrow. The photograph was taken in April by The Duchess at their home in Norfolk.”

Your sausage

April 30, 2017 Sunday

6:36AM Phil
Yup. Never want to forget them

6:37 AM Sassy

6:38 AM Phil
[photo of him lying naked in bed- from his belly button on down with his cock sticking up]
Good morning!

6:40 AM Sassy
Mmmm… morning
I’m making kielbasa for breakfast but your sausage looks tastier

6:41 AM Phil
Ha! Enjoy!
Belly is flattening out

6:43 AM Sassy
I’m imagining kissing it and playing with that fur

6:44 AM Phil
Mmmm, sounds delightful

6:47 AM Sassy
Makes my insides pulse

6:57 AM Phil

7:04 AM Sassy
Need it to warm up – cold 50s here

7:36 AM Phil
Gonna be 90 here

Orgasmic workout

April 29, 2017 Saturday

8:49 AM Sassy
Good morning kid!

10:13 AM Phil
Good morning! Happy Saturday!

10:16 AM Sassy
Come back to bed. ; )

12:10 PM Phil
Hmmmmmm, been up since 5. Can’t help it

12:10 PM Sassy
Bed isn’t just about sleeping. ; )

12:11 PM Phil
Ohhh, that might qualify as a workout!
Lot more fun than the elliptical for sure!

12:13 PM Sassy
Now you’re getting it…

12:14 PM Phil
Talk about an orgasmic workout
I believe pussy is a low calorie, low carb, no fat treat as well.
Better than a protein shake!

12:15 PM Sassy
You are so smart!

12:16 PM Phil
Even the blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally!

12:38 PM Phil
You make me laugh. Thank you!

12:45 PM Sassy
Always glad to help.

12:49 PM Phil
Always 🙂
Love you girl. Always have, always will XXoo

12:49 PM Sassy
Awww…that is so lovely to hear!
I love you too!
Lobster lunch!

12:55 PM Phil
[Big smily emoticon that looks like it’s yelling]

12:55 PM Phil
[Big smily emoticon with hearts for eyes and a gaping mouth]

12:55 PM Phil
Don’t know what that first thing is. Thumb slipped

12:58 PM Sassy
$2.50 from the store

12:59 PM Phil
Looks delicious!

Taking my buddy that died’s family to lunch. Miss that dude.

1:00 PM Sassy
That is a very good thing to do.
People get so much support around the funeral and then are mostly left to themselves as it gets harder.

Sneezy in a funk

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; min-height: 17.0px} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} span.Apple-tab-span {white-space:pre}

April 28, 2017 Friday
From: Greg
To: Sassy
Sent: Thu Apr 28, 2017 at 11:12 AM
Re: Hello
You’re right. I have myself to blame.  I’ve had some difficult business issues happen towards the end of last year which has had me in a funk.  I need to get out of my own way. 
Do you still take Fridays off?  We should catch up 🙂

I rarely don’t respond but I just can’t right now.  I know it’s bad of me, who hates silence so much but… last time we met he got me all revved up, kissed me silly, talked about meeting at a hotel, taking a drive to the lake, and then… nothing for eons?  I don’t need that right now.  I suggested as nicely as possible that it’s time for him to get out and find someone else.  Especially with his allergy to cats, I can’t be that close to him.  I hope he find someone! 

After The Trainer’s silence… I wonder if I am done meeting anyone except the Northerner? *sigh


(still on the shelf)

Posto dreams

April 28, 2017 Friday

8:19AM Sassy
Happy Friday kid!

10:03AM Phil
Woo Hoo!

5:34 PM Sassy
Another amazing dinner at Posto! 

Hubby’s drink – A “Live and Let Die.”
 (Baron Samedi Spiced Rum, Maletti Amaro, Grilled Pineapple, Lime, Tiki Bitters with a Giant Coconut Water Ice Cube)

6:26 PM Sassy
Dishes I dream about at Posto

Beet salad – chilled chioggia beets, goat cheese, 
vincotto, and olive oil croutons
GNOCCHI with braised beef short ribs 
in red wine sauce with parmesan crema

6:46 PM Sassy
Delicious dessert at Posto in Davis Square Somerville

TORTA A STRATA – Raspberry Mascarpone Cream, 
Chocolate Ganache Raspberry Coulis, and
 Vanilla Whipped Cream
 – a heavenly mix of raspberry and chocolate!

Updating Sneezy

April 27, 2017 Thursday

From: Sassy
To: Greg
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Subject: re: Hello
Hiya!  So sorry to hear your life is boring!  Do something about that?!  It’s Spring!  Time to get outside and find someone to play with? 
Life is rolling along – work, projects, men… 
I am still on AM but feeling rather crushed after a guy I thought was perfect for me went silent without warning after two marvelous meets when we were in the midst of planning a third.  *sigh  
The Northerner stops by every month or so.   He’s sweet.  

Hoping for more fun days for you! 

Sound of Silence on ice

April 27, 2017 Thursday

7:51 AM Sassy
Good morning Philip!

8:04 AM
The French pairs skaters entrancing the crowd skating to the new version on “Sound of Silence”

Vanessa James / Morgan Cipres 

FS 2017 World Team Trophy. Tokyo


9:50 AM Phil
Good Morning!
Hope your day is good!

9:51 AM Sassy
Boss is working in our other office so it should be better than usual.
You rocking this Thursday?

9:51 AM Phil
Running my tail off so far

Concerts meme

April 26, 2017 Wednesday

7:51AM Sassy
Good morning Philip!

1:17 PM Sassy
I’ll play the “10 concerts I’ve been to” game. No bands… I’m a folk and a cappella gal.

Your job is to guess which one I haven’t seen!

1. Tom Jones
2. Yanni
3. John Tesh
4. David Wilcox
5. The House Jacks
6. Cheryl Wheeler
7. James Taylor
8. Christine Lavin
9. John Gorka
10. Harry Connick Jr

7:38 PM Sassy
For the record, this is every concert I’ve ever been to! I went to a couple of college a cappella group nights, but… 9 concerts in my life? Need to change that!  Time to go search for tickets! 


April 25, 2017 Tuesday

From: Sassy
To: Brett
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: Catching up

Hiya Brad!

Hope you are warm and dry at home tonight. Such yucky weather!

So so happy to hear the doctor helped! Hope you are continuing on the road to wellness.

I just finished my last big event for the semester. Hoping for quieter days at work! That should give me time to see you whenever it fits your schedule. It makes me smile to think about it… and tingle! Just let me know.


Sneezy resurfaces

April 25, 2017 Tuesday

From: Greg
To: Sassy
Sent: Apr 25, 2017 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Hello
Hi Sassy-
I’ve been thinking about you.  How is life treating you?
Are you still on AM?  It’s been a long while for me.  That publicity really spooked me.  My life has been boring since 🙁
Hope you are well.