Much to smile about

April 28, 2018 Saturday

From: Sassy
To: Brett
Date: Sat Apr 28, 2018 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Special Saturday

Hiya Brett! Hope you got outside today – such spectacular weather!

How has your week been? We had a grand time last Saturday driving our friends from Rochester around Gloucester, Rockport and Essex. My tour guide skills were in prime form.

I took off Monday to catch up on chores at home, then spent the rest of the week catching up at work!

We went to a cat show this morning! So many cats! So much cat stuff on sale! So many people! Then off to Woburn for Chinese food. And to Mike’s Pastry for sweets. We did it up!

Now I am home relaxing and thinking of you. Mmm…. you give me so much to smile about! 

Take care!


Make it home?

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April 22, 2018 Sunday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Apr 22, 2018 at 9:50 PM
Subject: Sunday specials
Hiya T!  Did you make it home?  Hope you had an uneventful flight back.  
I had a fun time trying two new restaurants today!  My older sister and her beau and a special guest – my niece who is graduating from Harvard next month – had breakfast at Waypoint in Harvard Square.  $1 oysters!  So I answered the long-pondered question as to whether I can eat oyster for breakfast.  Oh yeah!  
This afternoon was quiet, then we went off to Highland Fried, the barbecue place in Inman Square.  It was okay but I don’t need to go back.  
I’m debating whether to go to work tomorrow… don’t have anything pressing so it is tempting.  
Take care!  Best of luck going back to work! 

Sitting on a big rock

April 21, 2018 Saturday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sat Apr 21, 2018 at 10:45 PM
Subject: Saturday scenes
Hiya T!  Hope you had a stupendous Saturday!  We had such a fun time.  Old friends from Rochester were in town for a conference, and saved a day to see us.  So I drove around Gloucester, Rockport and Essex on the first warm day in a long time.  It was so wonderful to feel the sun on my face, catch up on their news, see pretty scenes and eat a yummy lunch at C.K. Pearl!  
I indulged in a few moments of “What would Tim make of this beach?” as I walked along at Wingaersheek, imagining us sitting on a big rock in spring sunshine…so you were with me, in a way.  
Hugs with groping and a long french kiss! 

Meet #23 Brett Friday Fun

April 20, 2018 Friday

Report #23 The Northerner 

Friday fun
Two months.  I can’t believe it’s been so long since we managed to get together!  I didn’t hear from him for over a month after our Feb. 23 frolic… worried that the “wild woman” had scared him away.  But he reappeared as usual, just as eager to see me. Phew. 
I took this Friday off.  I had a leisurely morning – slept late, took a long shower, did a little work online. I put on my blue patterned panties, sky blue bra, black leggings, black top with fireworks and black socks and shoes.  I smiled at the black exterior and the sunny blue underneath! I took off about 1:30 pm and headed west to meet him. I made it quickly and sat in my car catching up on Facebook until it was time to go and check in.  
There was no one around so I got checked in easily.  I sat at a table at the back of the lobby and watched the people come and go, hoping each one was him.  Our meeting time passed and I marveled at the fact that I’d never had to wait on him before… hoped he was okay, checked my phone to be sure there wasn’t a text or email from him.  I looked up and there he was, smiling, striding across the lobby, only 5 minutes late at 2:35 pm. He sat down at my table and grinned at me. We chatted a bit, then I pushed the key cards and maps at him to lead us to the room.  
We had a room quite close to the front desk – 2011.  I said it was a good year, and he said we’d make it a good number for today.  He made the key card work and let us into the room which looks like all their rooms.  He said it looked familiar and we giggled. I put down my purse and glasses and phone and watch on the desk while he shucked his shoes.  I sat on the ottoman and took off my shoes. Before I could get any further, he was sitting in the chair behind me, nibbling on my neck, cupping my breasts in his hands, then rubbing my shoulders.  Oh man… that feels so good!  For someone who is so starved for touch, it is wonderful to be caressed so quickly and feel like he can’t wait to get his hands on me!  
I reached around to rub his legs… couldn’t reach anything else – he was so close. He slowly took off my top, then shed his shirt and pressed him skin on mine.  I moved back and forth against him, felt the wonderful bulge and rubbed back against that. He took off my bra and played with my breasts, then came around and pulled me up to hug and we kissed for a long time.  
He led me over to the bed and helped me get my leggings, socks and panties off.  I tossed them onto the chair in the corner. He pulled back the covers and turned up the air-conditioning.  He sprawled across the bed. I looked at the clock as I joined him – 3:03 pm – and we cuddled and kissed some more.  He flattened me out next to him and used one hand to play with my right breast, and the other flicked my clit! I ruffled his hair and stroked his cheek, shoulder and down one arm before his touch made me lose my mind and squirm and squeak!  His hair was longer than usual – he knows I like that. I caught my breath and paid attention to his touch… sucking on my nipple, slowly stroking my clit… then started to spin out a story in my mind. 
I closed my eyes and imagined being out in the hall naked and him asking me to pose in various ways to expose different parts of my body to my camera phone!  I thought of all the photos I’ve seen on Tumblr of women in hotel hallways and imagined myself in those poses. The combination of his attention to my chest and slit with the exhibition fantasy pushed me higher and higher!  
I scooted around and put my leg over his hip, and he pressed up against me.  This is usually a second or third position for us so I was surprised when he didn’t shift around to another position, but he reached over onto the night stand and rolled on a condom in record time, then moved right along to press his rock hard cock into me!  I moved to get to almost a right angle and spread my legs wide to make it easier and he got much deeper. We both moaned as he slipped in and out… I was so wet there was that super-sexy squishing sound. Mmmm… 
He pressed in and out, with his fingers on my clit and his mouth on my left breast, speeding up and then slowly down… pulling out and then pressing back in… over and over and over.  I marveled at his stamina, his creativity, his tenacity. I told him how good it felt. He smiled. I marveled at how we were entwined – legs, arms, bodies moving. I was much calmer than last time, lying back and letting him run things, relishing his touch and how it made me feel so amazing! 
My legs started to cramp and I was just about to move when he told me he needed to change positions.  I asked what he’d like and he said doggy, which meant he was ready to cum. I shifted onto my stomach and got up on my knees while he pulled my hips to align with his body and was inside me in a flash, moving in and out wildly as I slammed back to meet his thrusts.  He told me he was going to finish and I encouraged him and he picked up the pace and then stopped deep inside me. I could feel the twitches as his cock unloaded! 
He collapsed to my left and I rolled to my right.  I took several deep breaths then rolled to glance at the clock – 4:05 pm!  I rolled onto my right side to look at him. I never get tired of admiring his body.  He told me he felt so relaxed, so mellow, that being with me made all the stresses go away.  He said he hoped he didn’t fall asleep. I told him he could if he needed to. He shook his head and started asking me questions about my life, my husband, my work.  I asked about his health, his travels, his family, his work. I adore talking with him! 
I reached over to kiss him now and then, see if he wanted to go again, but he seemed content.  I checked the clock – it was 5:07 pm. I asked when he needed to go. He said 5:15 or 5:30 pm and asked what time it was.  I told him and he sighed… pulled me over to kiss and fondled my chest a bit more. 
I had to heed nature’s call so I rolled out of bed.  He followed soon and hopped into the shower. I dashed to throw on my clothes so I’d be ready to leave when he came out.  I watched him dress and enjoyed seeing parts of his body as he covered them. He left money on the bed for the maid, then handed money to me to cover the hotel room.  He is so good to take care of that every time!  I offer to treat him but he never lets me.  
He kissed me once more, careful not to touch me other than on the lips so my scent didn’t get on him.  I longed for more but was happy with that last show of affection. He checked around to be sure we had everything, then we strolled out to our cars.  I thanked him and he thanked me and said he’d see me soon. I smiled and split off to my part of the parking lot. I waved as I got to me car – he always watches to be sure I get in and the car starts!  I saw him drive away. 
I texted Hubby at 5:30 pm to let him know I was on my way and make dinner plans.  I ate the chocolate chip cookie the hotel had given me and drank their bottled water.  I checked the traffic to decide which route to take home, then rolled out of the parking lot, smiling from ear to ear, driving home calm and happy with a pile of new sexy memories.  


From: Sassy

To: Brett
Date: Fri Apr 20, 2018 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Friday thanks

Hiya Brett,

Thank you for a wonderful afternoon! I had an easy drive home, smiling all the way as I replayed this moment and that story.

I survived a dinner that was too spicy and an event that poorly done. Thank goodness I had lovely memories to escape to!

Home now smiling again. Have a warmer weekend! Mwah!


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Assure you

April 19, 2018 Thursday

From: Brett
To: Sassy
Date: Thu Apr 19, 2018 at 6:28 AM
Re: Details and delights


Just confirming regular time and place. For some reason, I haven’t been able to bring up this email at work. They recently changed IT stuff. I’ll figure it out eventually, but wanted to assure you we are on for tomorrow. Can’t wait!


From: Sassy
To: Brett
Date: Thu Apr 19, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Re: Details and delights

Hiya Brett! Thanks for checking in! I am looking forward to seeing you!!

Sorry to hear Yahoo is being pesky. It never tells me I have email anymore… so it’s up to me to check, which I do but not always in a timely way.

Just checking – no lunch, just meet?




From: Brett
To: Sassy
Date: Thu Apr 19, 2018 at 7:19 PM
Re: Details and delights


Yeah, I can’t do lunch…I have too much going on at work so need to squeeze in every hour I can. But I’ve prioritized the meet…see you around 2:30.



From: Sassy

To: Brett
Date: Thu Apr 19, 2018 at 8:01 PM
Re: Details and delights

That’s fine. I understand.

See my fortune from dinner tonight. I intend to take their advice! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Long hugs

April 19, 2018 Thursday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Thu Apr 19, 2018 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Thursday things 
Hiya T!  Hope you had a terrific Thursday!  Next time send me your itinerary so I can follow along? 
This is another day you can be glad to have missed the weather.  In the 15 minutes it took me to drive to work this morning, I saw snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain!  So New England! 
I had dinner at All Seasons Table tonight. It is so tasty!  I had this wacky Chinese bird’s next of crispy fried noodles with beef, chicken, shrimp and veggies!  I thought you would like it there… they have Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Thai food and a raw bar!  I could eat there every night for a week and still have dishes I want to try. 
I am not going to work tomorrow!  It feels so good to know I can sleep in or get up early and do things around here and just not be there! 
Time for bed… wish you were here to tuck me in.  : ) 
Take care! Long hugs with long kisses!  

Blissful space

April 17, 2018 Tuesday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTIm
Sent: Tue Apr 17, 2018 at 7:50 PM
Subject: Done with receptions
Hiya T!  Hope you had a glorious Tuesday!  Our weather was a tad better today, thank goodness. Still cold but lots of sun! 
The second reception is over!  It went especially smoothly!!  I am so relieved – home, full of ibuprofen and half an Italian sub.  Heh.  
I am going to bed early to rest my weary bones and think of you.  It fascinates me how you help me wander away from my mundane life into a blissful space full of smiles.  Thank you! 

Interesting mix

April 16, 2018 Monday
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Apr 16, 2018 at 8:50 PM
Subject: Monday musing
Hiya T!  Thinking of you on vacation.  Hope you are seeing beautiful sites and eating delightful food!  
Be glad you are not here – wretched weather in the 40s with pouring rain and wind!  A terrible day for the marathoners.  Did you see that a Japanese man and an American woman won?!  The weather mixed things up. There were 6 American men in the top 10, and 7 American woman in their top 10!  The times were awful – slowest in 30+ years.  Over 2,300 runners needed medical attention.  
I had a busy day at work doing financial stuff and last-minute prep for Tuesday’s reception.  Hubby went off to help a friend who is suicidal.  She needs someone there and he can do it.  So I Lyfted home and had a quiet evening, made myself Annie’s mac & cheese with ham for supper.  
One of my gal pals got laid off from her job.  She’s only been there 2.5 months.  Sounds like poor management.  She is smart, charming and hard-working.  If they can’t figure out how to make use of that, they’re idiots!  I tried to buoy her spirits.  
I hope you don’t mind that I am writing… I know you probably won’t see them until next week, but I am thinking about you and needing to share.  
Here’s a tumblr – Interesting mix of kinks, color and b&w, men, women… 
Take care!  

Plan confirmed

April 15, 2018 Sunday

From: Brett
To: Sassy
Date: Sun Apr 15, 2018 at 10:16 PM
Re: Wishes OTD


Lets plan on April 20th. I’ll let you know if something comes up, other than the obvious thing, but I’m prioritizing.



From: Sassy

To: Brett
Date: Sun Apr 15, 2018 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Details and delights

Hiya Brett!

Yay! I like this plan! You’re on my calendar! I’ve made a reservation. To cancel, I’d need to tell them by 3 pm on Wednesday. Hope only the right thing pops up! Hee hee.

Hope you stayed warm and dry today!


Hug you

April 15, 2018 Sunday 
From: Sassy
To: TimmyTim
Sent: Sun Apr 15, 2018 at 9:55 PM
Subject: April winter
Hiya T!  Hope you were warm and happy far away today!  It was beastly cold here – 33 and windy and raw.  It snowed and sleeted and… be glad you missed that!  
We tried a new restaurant for brunch – Lantana Cafe in Medford.  It was fine but I see no reason to go back.  
Hubby was out seeing “A Wrinkle in Time” with a friend, so I enjoyed a long play session with Gigi!  I found a very naughty site with a bunch of short videos  
I had a lovely nap, then a drive to Malden for dinner with Sis at All Seasons Table.  I went with Chinese options tonight – so tasty!  
The Red Sox won again!  13-2! This is so fun!!  The Patriots Day game is cancelled due to rain, so they will get an extra day to rest before heading to CA.  
It’s a quiet evening at home… headed to bed early, storing up strength for the week ahead.  Two more days before the last big event I run for awhile is over!  Just have to make it to Tuesday at 6 pm… I can do this.  It will be fine.  
Want to hug you… make you smile.  And moan.  Mmmm… Take care T!  