Waiting for Volt

When I got home from meeting Volt, I felt so fantastic!!  There were messages from Philip… but it took me awhile to answer.  I wanted to savor the memories, take my time deciding what I thought.  The moment I responded, Philip called and wanted a full report!  The cheek!  
He listened and asked questions and seemed very happy for me.  I listened to him puzzle about the women in his life.  It was so marvelous to hear his voice and have a real conversation.  It kept me from fretting about not hearing back from Volt.  Ugh.  
I went from that to chatting online.  They listened to me fret.  Was this going to be yet another case of a meet I thought went beautifully and never heard from the man again?  Arrgh!  They finally told me it was okay to write when it got to be more than 6 hours since we parted.  *sigh  
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:08 PM
Subject: Thanks
Hiya Sean, 
Thank you ever so much for lunch today!  I enjoyed it immensely.  I really appreciate everything you did to make it special.  Hope you had an easy drive back.  
I waited for a reply.  Surely he’d write before he went to bed?  I finally gave up and went to bed very late… without a reply. 
Gentlemen!  Please.  Please.  PLEASE!  Do NOT leaving a lady wondering!  
Sassy’s suggestions for perfect post-meet communications:
1) Write from your car right after you part, or as soon as you get home.  
2) Write again the next morning. 
3) Keep writing!  
It doesn’t have to be much… something short and sweet.  Anything but SILENCE!  
Thank goodness, when I woke up on Friday – there was an email!  HOORAY!  
From: Volt
To: Sassy 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks
I had a great time as well. I did not have any problems getting home. I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation. Talk to you soon.
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks
Hiya Sean,
I am smiling this morning and you are the only one in the world who knows why.  🙂  There is also some tingling… mmmm.  
From: Volt
To: Sassy
Sent: Friday, Dec 28, 2012 3:00 PM

It will be our little secret. Have a great day.

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