Pizza pop-up

October 2, 2018 Tuesday

7:13 AM Sassy
Hooray! Hope Day 2 is awesome!
7:34 AM Phil
Good morning and thank you. Lot to learn but a lot of it is familiar but loving the Pentagon
7:35 AM Sassy
That’s so good!

7:11 PM Sassy
Pizza with pepperoni, sausage, ricotta and red onions at Rabotinni’s Pizza pop-up in Allston

9:55 PM Sassy
How’d Day 2 go? Hope you still like it.

Had a crazy day – went to see a pal in the hospital. He had a massive heart attack on Thursday, quad bypass on Saturday. They finally woke him up and pulled the respirator yesterday and moved him out of CCU this morning!  Still dicey, but I hope the worst is over. 

I was at work for a couple of hours, then out to dinner with Hubby and a friend of his.

9:58 PM Phil
That’s very good! Day 2 was good!
9:58 PM Sassy
10:01 PM Sassy
Do you have an office or another cubicle?
10:29 PM Phil
I have an office
10:29 PM Sassy
10:31 PM Phil
Not bad, forgot how clueless you are in a new job
10:33 PM Sassy
But they cut you slack?
Do they razz you?

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