January 26, 2018 Friday
7:21 AM Sassy
Happy Friday Phil!
11:58 AM Phil
Happy Friday Sass!
6:58 PM Sassy
Your dinner is beautiful! Hope it tastes good too!
7:08 PM Phil
It was fabulous, now cigars and scotch
8:37 PM Phil
Great evening
8:40 PM Sassy
What made it special?
9:19 PM Phil
My pal here, tunes from long ago, spending time with a guy I love like a brother
9:20 PM Sassy
Cool! Life treating him well?
9:39 PM Phil
Yeah, both of us
[photo of him smoking a cigar sitting outside in a coat, hat and sweatshirt]
Lost some weight, losing chins and pant sizes
Both of us
9:46 PM Sassy
You look sexy to me no matter what you weigh
Wanna put my hands on your cheeks and kiss you!
11:52 PM Phil
Less cheeks is good. Mwah! XXoo