Under one to get over the other

September 5, 2016 Monday

What’s the old saying?  “The best way to get over one is to get under another?”  That seems rather crass but perhaps there is some truth to it?

I didn’t want to do something stupid on the rebound, but I definitely needed something to help me stop thinking about the Big Fish.  Fourteen hours after he wrote to send me away, a message from Ashley Madison gave me another option!

From Ashley Madison

Sep 5th – 12:46pm
From: Usual_Man02110


Hi, I’ll tell you a little about me. I believe in treating a woman the way she should be treated like holding doors open, holding the umbrella over her even though I’ll get wet…you get the picture. I’m easy going and I get along well with most people. I’m married and can’t leave my marriage so I’m absolutely discrete. I have a master’s degree and I read the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal regularly to get some kind of balance. I live in and work in Boston. I hope I’ve piqued your interest!
Okay… the profile name.  Most men are trying to be unusual or sexy but this guy is “usual.”  Interesting.  The Boston downtown zip code.  Probably means he doesn’t live or work there.  Heh.  Doesn’t matter.  Quite a good choice.  
A nice message!  Fascinating how he got across a lot of hints about his personality in one paragraph.  Strange that he mentions NYC newspapers. Can’t spell discreet.  But lots of guys can’t!  
I looked at his profile.  
Age 56.  (likely a little older) But very close to my age.  Good.  
6’4″ tall and 240 pounds… mmm… I like that!  
Married.  Good. 
Non-smoker.  Good. 
Limits: Anything Goes.  Okay… way better than “Undecided!”  
He didn’t write anything, just checked the boxes AM provides.  Bleh.  The boxes he checked were mostly fine except for “one-night stands.”  But that’s a guy thing that gives them a way out so whatever.  I met most of what he was looking for except “physical fitness.”  I am in shape… if your count round as a shape! Of course he’d want someone fit if you asked him to list his ideal. 
He seemed worth an answer.  But I wanted to think about it.  Not rush.  See if his words stuck with me overnight.  Sleep on it, as they say.  So I waited until the next day to decide if I’d reply.

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