Friday, October 11, 2013
From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: October thoughts
First… be assured… I like hussies! ;-). As to my calendar, thursday may be possible, or Friday for lunch. Just having looked, the rates are high right now– too many leaf-peepers!
Hope all’s going well for you– and yes.. sounds great!
From: Sassy
To: The Lawyer
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: October thoughts
Hiya Tom!
Phew. I am so glad you like me… and my hussy-ness! You are the only man who inspires me to reach over the line and pull you across! It is nice over here… with all the kissing, touching and so forth. And boobs… don’t forget those!
Yes… the hotel situation is nuts. But it will get better!
So… you say when and I will appear.
From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 3:54 PM
Re: October thoughts
trust me– I want you to think…and say… whatever crosses your mind… you’re a very sexy woman, and we should both take advantage of that!!! and yes… I don’t forget the boobs…or the skin… or your lips…. both…;-)