First chat with Glider

Friday, August 16, 2013
·        11:18 AM
Sassy: Hiya
·        11:18 AM
Sassy: Happy Friday!
·        11:20 AM
Glider: Same to you. Working?
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: Yes. You?
·        11:20 AM
Glider: Yes but would rather not
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: I hear ya
·        11:20 AM
Glider: you in Boston?
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: Yes.
·        11:21 AM
Glider: lived there many years ago
·        11:21 AM
Sassy: while in school?
·        11:21 AM
Glider: no younger days
·        11:22 AM
Sassy: where are you now?
·        11:22 AM
Glider:  western suburb
·        11:22 AM
Sassy: Ah!
·        11:23 AM
Sassy: I went there to eat once. 
·        11:23 AM
Glider: where?
·        11:25 AM
Glider: what part of Boston?
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: Hmmm… a barbecue place on the main street …
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: They had chocolate bacon.
·        11:25 AM
Glider: ah, I remember that place
·        11:25 AM
Glider: decadent
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: I don’t think it’s there anymore…
11:25 AM
Glider:  you’re right
·        11:27 AM
Glider: so we are both playing while at work
·        11:27 AM
Sassy: Yes. Do you have your own office?
·        11:28 AM
Glider: yes I am there now
·        11:28 AM
Sassy: I work in an open office… lots of people around.
·        11:28 AM
Glider: and they are none the wiser
·        11:28 AM
Sassy: yup
·        11:29 AM
Glider: it’s a good sneaky feeling
 11:29 AM
Sassy:  😉 
·        11:29 AM
Glider: looking busy
·        11:29 AM
Glider: I was glad you responded to me
·        11:31 AM
Sassy: It can be nerve-wracking waiting so I try to respond as soon as I can
·        11:32 AM
Glider: me too.if I can I like to be responsive quickly
·        11:33 AM
Glider: Met any fellas on AM yet?
·        11:34 AM
Sassy: Yes. You met any lovely women?
·        11:35 AM
Glider: I’ve met a few but no keepers so to speak
·        11:36 AM
Sassy: Sounds familiar.
·        11:36 AM
Glider: if there is such a thing as a keeper there
·        11:39 AM
Glider: your description of yourself is exquisite
·        11:44 AM
Sassy: thanks!
·        11:44 AM
Sassy: I tossed it up there one night, was afraid I’d lose my nerve if I pondered it too long
·        11:45 AM
Glider: sometimes it’s best not to over think, sometimes it is
·        11:46 AM
Sassy: My friends talked me into it… I was convinced no man would respond.
·        11:47 AM
Glider: you were obviously proven wrong
·        11:48 AM
Sassy: How did you find the site?
·        11:49 AM
Glider: friend let it slip he was on there
·        11:49 AM
Sassy: Cool!
·       11:51 AM
Glider: he doesn’t know I am. I was pretty casual about it
·        11:54 AM
Sassy: Are the stats you put up accurate?
·        11:55 AM
Glider: yes they are. I figure why lie. if I were to meet someone it wouldn’t work. you?
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: Yes.
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: I’ve been running into guys who are MUCH older than they say.
·        11:55 AM
Glider: 52
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: Age doesn’t matter much, but when they put 50 and they’re 68…
·        11:56 AM
Glider: who are they kidding?
·        11:56 AM
Sassy: I don’t mind a little fudging, for security reasons, so their wife can’t id them… but that’s a bit much!
 11:57 AM
Sassy: Do you need to run? You said noon… don’t want to make you late for something.
·        11:58 AM
Glider: no, gotta run by 12:30 but you can always catch me on email
·        11:58 AM
Glider: good memory
·        11:58 AM
Sassy: Yahoo email is horked right now. Grrr..
·        11:58 AM
Sassy: Thank you ever so much for the early morning message… made me smile.
·        11:58 AM
Glider: I’m glad it did
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: Great way to start my day!
·        11:59 AM
Glider: yahoo mail never works when you are sneaking around
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: Many days I would be like… whatever.
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: But in the early going I wanted to connect so badly!
·        12:00 PM
Glider: I understand completely
·        12:02 PM
Sassy: Do you have hair?
·        12:03 PM
Glider: full head
·        12:03 PM
Sassy: Yay! Doesn’t matter… just wondered.
·        12:05 PM
Glider: what color hair for you?
·        12:05 PM
Sassy: Silver.  Long
·        12:06 PM
Glider: Silver is very nice. I have some of that
·        12:09 PM
Glider: More that I like to admit
·       12:13 PM
Sassy: Awww… you probably look distinguished?
·        12:14 PM
Glider: that’s sweet
·        12:16 PM
Sassy: So what brings you to AM?
·        12:17 PM
Glider: woke up one day and asked myself if this is all there is.
·        12:18 PM
Glider: you?
·        12:18 PM
Sassy: I get nothing at home… finished cancer treatment and said…I don’t want to live half a life… I want to be touched and touch someone…
·        12:19 PM
Glider: like roommates?
·        12:20 PM
Sassy: Yes. We’re a good team, except in the bedroom.
·        12:20 PM
Glider: any guilt?
·        12:20 PM
Sassy: None
·        12:21 PM
Sassy: You?
·        12:21 PM
Glider: zero
·        12:21 PM
Sassy: Phew. That’s good. I have run into some guilt kings.
·        12:21 PM
Glider: wrong place for them to be
·        12:22 PM
Sassy: A lot of guys jump in before they realize what it all means
·        12:22 PM
Sassy: I get it… but… ugh
·        12:23 PM
Sassy: It never would’ve occurred to me to cheat but an old flame found me… someone I dated for 3 weeks in h.s. (holding hands at lunch mostly)
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: He wanted to finish what we started 30+ yrs ago
·        12:24 PM
Glider: and did you?
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: Yes.
·        12:24 PM
Sassy:  But he is military… miles away
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: He encouraged me to find someone local… live it up
·        12:25 PM
Glider: how would you see something working out?
·        12:25 PM
Sassy: It sounds so trite.. but…
·        12:26 PM
Sassy: find a nice man to be with now and then
·        12:27 PM
Sassy: So many of the details depend on the guy’s schedule, finances etc.
·        12:27 PM
Glider: it isn’t easy
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: I get a lot of time off, so I end up taking a morning or afternoon…
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: I am very flexible
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: Can do almost any time… H doesn’t watch over me at all
  12:31 PM
Glider: I am out of the office quite a bit so that could work
·        12:31 PM
Sassy: I can also do evenings or weekends, but you probably can’t?
·        12:34 PM
Glider: takes a bit more notice but possible
·        12:34 PM
Sassy: Interesting
·        12:35 PM
Sassy: I need to run to lunch.. would like to chat more soon… if you’re still interested.
·        12:36 PM
Glider: absolutely but you will have to catch me on email. ok?
·        12:36 PM
Sassy: Sure.
·        12:37 PM
Glider: enjoy the lunch and imagine sharing it with a new guy
·        12:37 PM
Sassy: MInd if I ask you random questions? No right/wrong answers… just poke around, get an idea of what you like?
·        12:37 PM
Sassy: In email… I mean
·        12:37 PM
Glider: please do
·       12:38 PM
Glider: ask me anything
·        12:38 PM
Sassy: If you don’t want to answer any, I understand
·        12:38 PM
Glider: do my best
·        12:38 PM
Sassy: Keep yourself safe, until you know I am not part of the evil in this world. 
·        12:39 PM
Glider: I don’t sense any evil
·        12:39 PM
Sassy:  🙂
·        12:40 PM
Sassy: Try to misbehave!
·        12:41 PM
Glider: that I can handle
·        12:43 PM
Sassy: Mwah!
·        12:45 PM

Glider: Back at you sexy!

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