Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Good morning! I’m volunteering to be your sunshine! Have a great Wednesday!
8:51am Phil
Morning! Drenched from the rain!
[photo of his wet face and hair in the office in a damp uniform]
[photo of his wet face and hair in the office in a damp uniform]
Have a great day!
Wow! I’m wet looking at your smiling face! Get an umbrella? Or a mac?
9:41am Phil
Neither is effective when it’s raining sideways
9:42am Phil
Just nasty out
Nice here, headed to 64.
9:44am Phil
yeah yeah yeah. 84 at the beach, bastards
yeah yeah yeah. 84 at the beach, bastards
5:45 pm
Tried the new pasta dishes @Panera Bread – the pesto and the bolognese. They’re okay tasting, but not worth $10 and not as good as their soups!