There’s more!

I have tossed The Dancing Man into the “one and done” pile.  *sigh

Just as I was realizing that I would never hear from him again, I got email from Ashley Madison announcing “Today 1 Member has contacted you!”

It may seem like simple concept, but it didn’t occur to me that new men would write to me after the first wave.  Duh.  He sent a message (which costs money) unlike most of the others who viewed my profile hoping I write to them or winked me.

He started out very simply:


I liked all that you wrote in your profile. I’d enjoy learning more about you, if you are also interested. Yes?

The message was too short.  Not specific to me.  But he spent money, I’m a polite person, so I viewed his profile.  Hmmm… a little younger than me.  If he is telling the truth.  No one I have contacted told the truth about their age.  Whatever.  6’0″ tall.  Yes!  180 pounds.  Oh dear… even skinnier than the first batch.  Even if he is fibbing by 20 pounds, still skinny!  Where are the beefy men?!  I want someone about… 235?  250? who will make me feel smaller.  His limits: Undecided.  Ugh.  Any of the other choices are better.  But I shouldn’t focus on stats.  I should read the content.  That’s what I want men to do for me.

His profile was another wonderful “no check boxes” work of art filled with well-written paragraphs!  I picked over each word. It was very different from the list of sexual qualities most men specify under “What really turns me on:”

  • Intelligence  
  • Kindness  
  • A mental connection
  • I truly appreciate mature women 
  • Good communicator
  • Sense of humor
  • Sass.  

YES!  That’s me!  With that last word, you know I had to answer, right?

The only hang-up was under “What I am looking for” the only thing he listed was “Physical fitness.” Hmmm…. of course he wants that.  But no one would describe curvy me that way.  So I decided to reply with more tantalizing words about me, and ask if that was a deal-breaker, an item he could not live without.

If you’re counting, this is the 5th man I’ve replied to (#1, The Lawyer, The Professor, The Dancing Man).  Several people told me I should do my own searches, contact men I like, that was how they met the best guys, but I did not have the courage to do that.  I wanted someone who looked at my stats and my words and wanted to explore further.

One thought on “There’s more!

  1. ~McK says:

    I agree with you. I never initiated contact with anyone, not even a wink. And the short and simple message that my (now) long distance guy opened with 18-months ago was a friendly missive, one that had me look at his profile, read everything he wrote and with false bravado, I responded. There are so many different rules in this world of emr as you state, I find I’m still learning. Though, I admit I am lucky to have met “him” at the start.

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