Serious Sassy

September 11, 2015 Friday

Dear Readers,

Hope this is an uneventful Friday for you.

It doesn’t happen very often – Sassy is going to be serious today.  I promise to go back to being sexy and silly soon.

Hard to believe it’s been 14 years since that fateful day in the US.  In some ways our lives have changed a lot due to the events on that sunny Tuesday morning.  In other ways, we have gone back to normal… the new normal…but still… life goes on.

More and more that day feels like “history” rather the fresh gaping wound it was for so long.  We still pause to remember, to hear about the amazing things the families of the victims have done in their memory, see the new buildings in New York, the memorial in Pennsylvania, adore Jon Stewart for pressing for continued help for the first responders when he could be living a quiet life on his animal farm.

Whenever I meet a new man, we eventually share where we were on this day in 2001, how it made us feel, how we helped our friends and families connect or get home from wherever they were stranded, how we changed or didn’t.  I wonder what it would have been like if I had been seeing a nice man from AM at that time, longing to be in touch to be sure they were safe, longing to see them to reaffirm life in the best way.  I wonder what people who were cheating on that day went through, if they were stranded together, or apart and worried, if the strange events of that week complicated their relationships even more.

It seems so odd that I did not know my Sassy side existed then.  And I didn’t know any of you then, that we didn’t share that day or the hard days after it.  I am so glad Philip helped me find that side of me and that led me to here!  You have gotten me through such um… “interesting times,” I imagine we would have supported each other in wonderful ways back then.  The fact that you are out there now makes me feel calmer about any new disaster that might befall this world, or me.  This sexy part of the blogosphere has it quirks, but when going gets tough, it is a great resource in the best way that the strange and sexy connections between people can make it!  Thank you dear bloggers and readers!

Hugs with groping!


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