December 14, 2018 Friday
7:21 AM Sassy
Happy Friday kid! I’m working at home this morning then heading out to the burbs to see The Northerner! Have a fantastic day!
11:28 AM Phil
Happy Friday! Enjoy!
2:19 PM Phil
[photo of the Athena Pallas restaurant – we ate there when I first saw him again in 2010]
2:20 PM Sassy
2:20 PM Phil
2:21 PM Sassy
What’d you eat?
2:22 PM Phil
Moussaka. I’m sure I spelled it wrong. It’s my favorite
2:22 PM Sassy
2:23 PM Phil
Not been there for a long time. Good as always
2:24 PM Sassy
Take folks with you?
4:33 PM Phil
Went with people from work.
Lamb looked amazing! Saganaki looked good too. Wish I had tried the octopus
5:13 PM Sassy
Fascinating obit