May 26, 2018 Saturday
I am done. *sigh
Last time I heard from The Trainer was more than a month ago – April 14. I’ve sent twelve messages – forwarding fun articles or jokes I saw that reminded me of him. No pressure… just short snippets of humor. I tried to make it clear that whenever he is ready, I am here. No answers. *sigh
I adore this man. He seemed so perfect for me! But I can only take so much silence. I promised myself after the first time he disappeared last year that I wouldn’t keep writing more than 3 or 4 times without an answer, but the universe kept showing me stuff I could not resist sending him. But a dozen messages is enough, right? Even though I am itching to hear what is going on with his travels and work and cock. *sigh
Time to make a list of the reasons he wasn’t perfect. Maybe that will keep me from writing.
Done. Must not email him anymore. Must not. *sigh