November 23, 2017 Thursday
1:00 AM Sassy
1:22 AM Sassy
This is my philosophy for Thanksgiving. We’re actually having 5 pies and it looks like the same flavors too – two apple, pumpkin, pecan and cherry!
7:22 AM Phil
Happy Thanksgiving!
8:49 PM Sassy
Thanksgiving dinner delights
Nosh – cheeses
Nosh – nuts, figs and pate
Nutty squash
Squash, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce
Lobster macaroni and cheese
Stuffing, salad and gravy
My plate – Turkey, roll, nutty squash, green beans, salad,
Brussels sprouts, stuffing and butternut squash with great gravy!
8:52 PM Sassy
Thanksgiving dessert – FIVE PIES!