Chatsworth House

July 2, 2017 Sunday

4:46 PM Sassy
Chatsworth House

120 years ago today, 200 distinguished guests (including royalty and many members of the nobility) were assembling extravagant costumes from history, literature, art and mythology in preparation for the Devonshire House Ball. 
Celebrating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, the ball was the first of its kind to be extensively documented in photographs of each individual guest. 
Remarkably, some of the original outfits still exist, and we are thrilled to have them on display as part of ‘House Style: Five Centuries of Fashion at Chatsworth’. 
Scroll through the photos to discover more about the costume worn by Duchess Louise, who hosted the ball at Devonshire House in London.

4:50 PM Sassy
You may recognize this house from the film “Pride and Prejudice or 9 other movies!

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