Friday, October 18, 2013
3:08 PM The Lawyer: Hey sweet one
3:08 PM Sassy: Hiya hot stuff!
3:10 PM The Lawyer: How are you???
3:10 PM Sassy: I’m great! You?
3:11 PM The Lawyer: Ok— what’s new for you???
3:11 PM Sassy: Been watching lots of baseball… nerve-wracking!
3:12 PM The Lawyer: Me too!! But fun!!
3:12 PM Sassy: I don’t recall a series where every single pitch was so tense…
3:21 PM The Lawyer: It’s intense, because they’re so evenly matched
3:21 PM Sassy: Detroit is a good opponent.
3:22 PM The Lawyer: But tension’s not always a bad thing– ; )
3:39 PM Sassy: You been behaving?
From: Sassy
To: The Laweyer
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 4:42 PM
Subject: Next week
Hey! Any day next week I could see you? No pressure… just want you to know I want to…
5:04 PM The Lawyer: More than i would want to be!! How about you??
5:04 PM Sassy: Yes. Same here. 🙁
5:05 PM The Lawyer: That’s too bad!!! ; )
5:05 PM Sassy: Lots of talk… no action!
5:07 PM The Lawyer: I’m suffering!!! Hope we can meet soon!!!!
5:07 PM Sassy: Yes. I had a very vivid dream of sucking on you… want to make it a reality
5:09 PM Sassy: Let’s check in on Monday…
5:10 PM Sassy: Have a wonderful weekend dear man.
5:11 PM The Lawyer: Oh my — i’d love to have you suck me while i’m licking you
5:11 PM Sassy: I assume weekends are impossible but if you see a clear time, I am relatively open from mid-afternoon Saturday thru all of Sunday
5:11 PM Sassy: Mmmm…
5:11 PM The Lawyer: Have a great weekend yourself!!!
5:11 PM Sassy: Mwah!
5:11 PM The Lawyer: I wish…..
From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Fri, Oct 18, 2013 6:58 PM
Re: Next week
hi– possibly wednesday? my schedule is somewhat muddled right now… but that would be the clearest day for me. and yes, I’d love to get my hands… and … and… and… on you!!!