Visit #2 – part 1 Getting there

December 15, 2010

It doesn’t sound very romantic, but I prepped for this day like a general planning a major battle.  Despite my upcoming cancer battle, most of my attention for weeks focused on dreaming about what it might be like to see him again, and trying to make our time together fabulous!  I read about restaurants online, asked friends for recommendations and decimated lobsters all over town to find the right place.  I ended up making a reservation at a local chain I’ve tried but in a location I had never visited.  It fit Phil’s criteria – chowder, lobster, liquor – plus it had a private area with high booths so we’d be less likely to be seen.  It was too expensive, but I planned to help out with the cost.

I made up a detailed schedule.  I looked at maps – calculated drive times, parking places, meeting spots.  I used this visit as an excuse to clean up my place – had it cleaned by a pro team, and de-cluttered as I had not done in years.  I got my hair done.  I had the car cleaned inside and out.  I bought a simple gift and snacks.  I prepped my husband and sister to help me.  I took two days off from work.  I prayed for good weather!  I fretted about how I was going to share my life with him in less than 8 hours, when he’d had parts of three days to entertain me!

The day dawned clear and bitterly cold.  No snow!  Yay!  I was so nervous and excited I thought I would burst out of my skin!  All the details and driving and what he would be like kept me on edge all morning.  I just wanted to see him, to touch him, to hear him laugh…when you have a long distance relationship, the basics become so precious!

I fretted about whether to say, “I love you.”  I wanted to be able to say it in person… but decided not to worry about it, to let it out if it seemed right.  Even though there was the possibility, with his new post, that I would not see him again for years and might not even be able to communicate.

I arranged for my husband to borrow my sister’s car, and to stay overnight with a friend.  So we left home mid-afternoon and started the plan in motion.  I left him at my sister’s and headed out.  The theory was to pick Phil up, drive to my place, meet my husband briefly, have an hour alone, then go for a late dinner, maybe visit my office, then drive him back.  My first challenge was to find the meeting place.  I hate driving alone.  I went a little early so I would be there before it was completely dark.  I found our designated spot, and discovered it was right next to a fancy hotel!  I had somewhere warm and interesting to wait.


4:55 pm “At the hotel lobby. Lots of free parking.”
I went inside the hotel to use the restroom, checked out the gift store and the upper lobby, then sat in the lower lobby.  I got up to pace.  Then sat some more,  and paced some more.


5:10 pm Phil: “Leaving now. Be there in a couple”
5:10 pm “Hooray!”

5:17 pm FB msg to Betsey “
How did your day go? I made it, waiting impatiently for Philip! More later…”

I was so nervous… felt like I could not wait one more moment.  I kept taking deep breaths… reading Facebook on my phone… pacing… arrgggh!

One thought on “Visit #2 – part 1 Getting there

  1. Geez, can I come up there and get treated like this! I’d be happy with a baseball game and a hot dog! My goodness I’m jealous 🙂

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